HSA Membership 2024/2025

Dear Parents/Guardians:

On behalf of the Home and School Association we would like to welcome both our new and returning families back to School 14. The HSA has some exciting activities planned this school year for our students and their families. 


The HSA funds a number of items such as field trips, cultural enrichment programs, ice cream parties, field day barbecue, virtual events and many other exciting events held throughout the year. 


We need your support! The HSA Membership costs $15.00 per family. Even if you have more than one child in School 14 the dues are still only $15.00. Your membership dues benefit only School 14 children. Your dues and participation help make all of our events possible.


Please complete and pay your membership dues by October 9, 2024. We would love to announce a class has a 100% Membership and provide that class with a prize.

Our first HSA meeting will be tentatively on Wednesday, September 11th at 7 PM and will be virtual. 

Back to School Night is Wednesday, September 18th.


The first class that has a 100% membership by October 9th will receive a special treat!


 If you have any questions about the HSA you can contact us at school14hsa@gmail.com

As always we are looking for volunteers and new members to join our board.



Marlena Cowan

HSA President

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 HSA Membership for 1 Family$15.00 
 HSA Faculty Member$15.00